all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 5BA 28 0 57.147548 -2.127732
AB15 5BB 32 0 57.146501 -2.132901
AB15 5BD 28 0 57.146109 -2.132312
AB15 5BU 6 0 57.146946 -2.128309
AB15 5BW 2 1 57.147184 -2.126217
AB15 5BX 6 0 57.146115 -2.1485
AB15 5DA 10 0 57.147265 -2.148059
AB15 5DB 20 1 57.149133 -2.14838
AB15 5DR 22 2 57.148817 -2.124927
AB15 5DS 22 0 57.148015 -2.128081
AB15 5ED 22 1 57.149123 -2.12516
AB15 5EJ 32 0 57.149221 -2.128604
AB15 5EN 22 0 57.148124 -2.13537
AB15 5EP 22 0 57.148646 -2.134512
AB15 5EQ 20 0 57.148446 -2.136197
AB15 5ER 16 0 57.147509 -2.139069
AB15 5ES 20 0 57.147904 -2.139418
AB15 5ET 12 0 57.14746 -2.142606
AB15 5EX 10 0 57.149086 -2.14286
AB15 5EY 12 0 57.148166 -2.129354